Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Recording Album - an incredible week!

Hello Lovely People,

So.... it is 5am and i can't sleep so i thought i would do a little update on what has been happening over the past few weeks.

Life has been pretty crazy! For the past 6 months i have been rehearsing alongside 15 wonderfully talented people in preparation for the musical RENT. It was a great success, every night sold out and with two full house standing ovations the show ended on a high! Thank you to everyone involved who made it such an amazing experience.

Once RENT had finished it was time to crack on with music, i apologise for being a little slack recently, the show  was very intense and i needed to focus all of my attention on that. However over the past 3 weeks i have had some of the best moments of my music career! After attending a meeting with my new publicity manager at Downtown i began to get excited about future plans.

Wednesday 6th April
The time had come for Beth-Peach Robinson (backing vocals), Dan Jones (pianist), Fraser Isaac (photographer) and I to hit London City. After a cheeky magic wrap and a 3 hour Drive we arrived in Soho just before sunset. Throughout the afternoon we dotted around places in central London, the sun was shinning and there was no better time to sing outside - so we did!

Check out the Video by Fraser Isaac - 

After mucking about in London for a few hours we finally got into the studio in Soho, Berwick street where we started to record my live lounge album. We had an awesome time in the studio, Lior Seker the in house producer worked his magic and in 8 hours we managed to record 5 of my songs; 'Lead us there' , 'Stay Mine' , 'Runaway' , 'Wind in my hair' and an Acoutsic version of 'Racing Car'. We had such an incredible time, it is one of the best feelings in the world when a song in your head comes to life. i loved every moment. It has been a week and i am still buzzing. The day was very intense, there was so much going on, at the same time as recording the tracks live we were also being filmed. I loved that i could share my excitement of being in the studio with Beth, Dan and Fraser. Everyone worked so hard and by the end of the day the tracks were sounding awesome. They have been sent off for mixing so i should have them back in a few days! 

Recording finished at half past midnight! We were all starving so we grabbed a late night Mcdonalds in Leicester Square before heading home. We got home at 4am, i can honestly say it was one of the best days of my life, i won't ever forget it. Thank you to everyone who helped make it so special for me. 

Thursday 7th April
No time for sleeping! I woke up the next day still buzzing and ready for the evenings events. A very good friend of mine Lizzie Diaper organised a Charity festival in aid of Parkinsons. I felt honored that she had asked us to perform. We were all set up and ready to go by 6.30pm so we could relax before our set began at 8pm.

We kicked the night off with my Debut Single 'Racing Car'. The crowd were INCREDIBLE! There was such a good atmosphere in the room and the crowd were so interactive. It was by far the best gig we have done. We performed a 45 minute set which included all of my recent songs that had been recorded the day before. We even managed to perform a new song that i had written with my drummer Anthony earlier in the week called 'i can't hide'. We played alongside an awesome band who have recently been on Radio 1 'Under the Driftwood tree'. We danced the night away and the girls managed to raise over £1000 which is amazing! I am so glad that their hard work paid off. It was a fantastic evening. Thank you to everyone who came along to support and thank you to my wonderful band for working so hard. 

What's next...

The summer is looking very exciting! In the Easter break we have 2 gigs in 3 days! On the 28th of May we will be performing my biggest gig yet at Coventry University Summer ball - super excited about this. We will then head back to London for a gig on the 30th of May in Brick Lane. Cardiff University were very nice and some how managed to place my exams perfectly around the gigs :). Next gig is the 29th April where will be performing at a street party to celebrate the Royal Wedding! I am really looking forward to the next few months. We will be approaching the writers of Glee over the next few weeks in attempt to get one of my songs heard and possibly used for the show (long shot - but worth it as they are looking). 2011 so far has been super busy but soooo fun! Thank you again to all of you for supporting me and my music, i appreciate it so much. Sorry to everyone who i have missed over the past few months, hopefully we can all catch up soon. I hope you're all enjoying the beautiful sunshine and looking forward to a nice relaxing Easter weekend.

Big love and Cuddles xx

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